Body Sensing by Barbara Eastham

BodySensing is a somatic practice of meditation that uses the body as an entry point for coming to know who we are at the deepest level of our Being.  It is another way to explore aspects of iRest Yoga Nidra, and a beautiful way to incorporate the deeper principles of iRest and the nondual teachings into your personal practice or yoga teaching.  
You will find a recent webinar conversation between three long-time lovers of BodySensing (Kirsten Guest, Anne Douglas, and Barbara Eastham) on the TCN section of the IRI website. The webinar addresses the following questions:
What is BodySensing?
Where does it come from?
What are its benefits?
How does it differ from a typical asana class or practice?
And, how can I begin to explore it in my personal practice or in my teaching?

Over time, we hope to bring many voices and insights together as we continue to nurture our exploration of who we are at the levels of immanence and transcendence.
If you are in Canada, join senior iRest teachers and trainers, Kirsten, Anne and I at our first BodySensing Immersion workshop!