Suzanne M. Stephens

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Suzanne M. Stephens is a 500 hour certified yoga instructor who brings over 13 years of yoga and mindfulness practice to her classes. She is proud to be a referred yoga instructor by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Greater NW Chapter. She completed the Level 1 iRest® Yoga Nidra Training in October 2011.

Stephens' yoga classes utilize restorative breath and gentle, meditative movement as a means of empowering individuals to create a practice that best serves you – the Practitioner. In each class, she beautifully weaves lessons of loving-kindness and mindfulness to address the fluctuating needs of daily life. She empowers by teaching you how to meet yourself where you are and how to adapt your own practice, to work more gentle or strong, to create greater balance and ease as you need it most.

Stephens continues to train and enrich her teachings as well as her personal yoga practice. She is an artist photographer who enjoys cloud watching, baseball and thinks Shaun of the Dead is one of the greatest movies of all time.

"Suzanne is a yoga teacher of great ability and sensitivity, alert to the needs of each individual in the class. Her depth of knowledge as well as her keen intuition serve her students well and I feel very fortunate to have been able to practice with her. Her compassion and sense of humor are also great assets which make every session an empowering experience." - C.S.

She is currently teaching classes + workshops in Seattle, WA.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain