Amy Weintraub


Profile picture for user Amy Weintraub

iRest Teacher
Tucson, AZ

Amy is the author of Yoga for Depression (Broadway Books)and founder of the LifeForce Yoga Healing Institute. She offers professional trainings in LifeForce Yoga® for Mood Management and speaks at medical and psychological conferences internationally. Her advanced LifeForce Yoga Practitioner Trainings for yoga teachers and psychotherapists include an iRest component. Amy's evidence-based yoga protocol for depression and anxiety is available in the award-winning series of DVDs, LifeForce Yoga to Beat the Blues, and on her CDs. She publishes a free bimonthly newsletter that includes research, media reviews and news about yoga and mental health.

Amy’s recovery from depression began more than twenty years ago on her Yoga mat. Joy continues to unfold through the compassionate self-awareness that is the foundation of her Yoga practice. Her daily personal practice includes iRest, and she has long been inspired by the nondual teachings offered by Richard Miller. Since her association with the Center of Timeless Being, "welcoming all that arises" has become a way of life. She considers it an honor to be in community with the wise and compassionate beings who serve on the Council of Stewards. She is happy to witness the transformative effect of iRest Yoga Nidra in her own life and in the lives of her students.

Teacher Specialty
Additional Teacher Specialty
Mental Health - Depression, anxiety, PTSD