Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz

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Dr. Antonella Aguilera-Ruiz, ND is a naturopathic doctor practicing functional medicine in Sacramento, CA. She works with individuals who have reached the tipping point in their own health. Who may have seen multiple doctors and know that the root cause isn’t being addressed. Using clinical nutrition, homeopathy, herbs, supplements and mind body practices, she guides those who want a whole-body roadmap to return to health so that their life can expand again. Her interest in iRest yoga Nidra was borne of a desire to be able to offer an embodied and somatic practice in her practice to help reduce stress and promote healing. She has completed iRest level I training and teaches group classes in Sacramento, CA and Portland, OR.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty
Chronic disease, autoimmunity