Anneq Douglas


Profile picture for user Anne Douglas

iRest Senior Trainer for iRest Certification, Certification Supervisor and iRest Senior Retreat Leader. Past Director of Trainers.  Anne is the creator of several online iRest courses that include "iRest Daily - 14 Day Meditation Program", "iRest in Peace", "10 Steps to Creating an iRest Workshop" and co-creator of the "Advanced Studies Course: Co-Meditation Dyad Course" with Stephanie Lopez.  She has actively participated in the ongoing development of the Integrative Restoration ~ iRest Yoga Nidra Trainings.  Anne had the privilege to be the first person to attain iRest Certification.  She has an area of expertise in therapeutic settings which includes Co-Meditation Dyads, customizing a practice and working with insomnia and difficult emotions or beliefs. Anne is a certified, professional level (500 hour) Kripalu Yoga Teacher, a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapist, and Holistic Lifestyle Coach. She draws upon these skills to facilitate classes, private coaching, personal growth workshops and teacher trainings in her home town of Banff, in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Anne feels that she has arrived "home" in these exquisite non dual teachings. Her own experience of inner peace and deep joy that has arisen from the practices has inspired her to share them with the world.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty