Michele Roy

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Michele is a certified yoga therapist, aquatics instructor, fitness instructor who specializes in working with adults. She has over 20 years in the field of health and wellness including 15 years practicing as registered massage therapist in Quebec, British
Columbia and Alberta.

Michele is also a Professional Certified Coach with 12 yrs experience coaching individual and corporate clients to achieve their personal and business goals.

Michele has served as a leader in the wellness community by training other fitness instructors for YMCA in Montreal. Michele’s passion is demonstrated in motivating individuals to focus on their health and wellness. She coaches and inspires her clients to fully experience the benefits of choosing a healthy lifestyle. Many of her clients are living with health challenges and want to relieve chronic physical and emotional pain. Michele resources her skills to guide her clients to reconnect with their innate joy to revitalize their health and wellbeing, so they may participate in their life more fully.

She has dedicated herself to her own professional development by maintaining her certifications and expanding her skills by completing her diploma as an instructor of adult education, and completed her certification as a professional coach with the International Coach federation and become a Yoga Therapist. Incorporating irest into her active yoga and coaching practice has increased her clients ability to manage stress and experience a new vitality in their body and peace of mind.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty
Yoga, Coaching and Leadership