Deborah Cohen

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I am a long time meditator and yoga practitioner. As well, I have studied with Eastern-oriented spiritual teachers for over 30 years. I lead a Meetup meditation group over Zoom called Awakening to Spirit. The group has now met for over 18 years. The theme is non-dual wisdom meditation and teachings, such as those of Eckhart Tolle and Adyashanti. I am also a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I offer online integrative mind, body and spirit healing and mindfulness therapy and coaching. After learning i-Rest from Dr. Richard Miller, I have been excited about teaching it in my therapy groups, with individual clients, and in my meditation group. I love teaching others how to reconnect with the greater essence that we all are. This essence or awareness is devoid of a sense of struggle. It is such a peaceful, harmonious place that we can all access at any moment when we let ourselves become still and open to it. I am excited to share with people the opportunity to enjoy all that i-Rest has to offer to help us heal our wounded selves and open to the vastness of who we truly are.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty
mindbody health, nutrition, psychotherapy, coaching