Doug Adamson

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Doug Adamson

Doug Adamson has an approach of exploration, encouragement, and compassion. A focus on mindfulness and a touch of humor also can be used to describe Doug’s classes.  He draws from his own life’s journey of recovering from chronic injury after a car crash. Years of inspirational and transforming yoga practice have moved him to share this ancient art with others. Using that background, he stresses the need for students to follow and honor their own body’s story. He’s also an example that being flexible isn’t necessary or a needed focus to begin a yoga journey.  Doug is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. He believes that asana ( the postural portion of yoga ) should be available to more people. He’s a certified Lakshmi Voelker Chair Yoga teacher and uses those skills to bring joy-based movement to those who may not be able to get onto a yoga mat. Doug also incorporates the principals of Yoga Nidra into his classes. Doug is a Level 2 iRest® teacher-in-training.

 A bit about Doug:

  • Based on preconceived notions, thought he’d never set foot into a yoga studio
  • Felt his body was like a prison before beginning his yoga journey
  • Uses his skills as a veteran broadcast journalist to effectively communicate with a one-on-one feel
Teacher Specialty
Active Duty Military
Chronic Pain