Jigna Fadia

Certified iRest® Teacher, RYT®500, E-RYT®200, YACEP®, Mindfulness and Yoga Teacher

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Jigna Fadia has been a student of yoga since childhood and loves her practice. Her elementary school education in India was in a Gandhian school where chanting, pranayama, and meditation were incorporated to enhance energy throughout the day. She has lived and traveled extensively in India, Europe and Canada.

Jigna met Mar Jean Olson in 2007 and was inspired to complete the 750-hour TT and 250-hour Graduate TT program at Esther Myers Yoga Studio in Toronto, facilitated by Tama Soble and Monica Voss. Her passion to continue learning and exploring different traditions lead her to practice and explore the Zen tradition under Edward Espe Brown, Breathing & Pranayama, iRest® Non Dual Path of Meditation under Richard Miller,Stephanie Lopez and Kirsten Guest.

She has additional training from Ashtanga and Iyengar yoga traditions from India and The Netherlands under Harsha Shah and Dr.Shailaja Mulbagal.

Giving Back Through Yoga and iRest®

Jigna seeks to help others nurture the body, mind, and soul with breathing, meditation, and yoga to feel refreshed and nourished throughout the day. Practice nurtures her inner resources as she grows stronger, developing skills to  communicate the benefits of yoga, breathing and meditation for daily life.

Since 2014, she has taught in a wide variety of settings including: studios, community centers, womens shelters, non-profit organizations, businesses, medical and mental health facilities, senior centres, Toronto museums and private appointments.

Jigna encourages students to reflect and trust their own explorations, and honor their experience with patience. Moving mindfully engenders insight and self-awareness. Students progress towards greater independence with a healthy, relaxed and energetic state of body-mind anywhere, anytime.

After suffering chronic vertigo and Menier’s Disease, Jigna continues to share her deeper understanding. She brings people together to grow safe, positive and resilient communities.


Teacher Specialty
At Risk Youth
Chemical Dependency
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty
Mental Health