Lisa M Kawalec

level 1

Profile picture for user Lisa Kawalec

Lisa Kawalec completed her iRest level 1 training in 2019. She credits this practice, along with mindfulness meditation, for supporting her through the ups and downs of her life. As a mother of four, now adult, daughters, she has extensive experience in bringing these practices to parenting with all its complexities. With many past and current military in her family, she sees the importance of our service women and men having resource promoting practices like iRest. Living with migraines for 40+ years has given her the training ground for using iRest to minimize physical and emotional pain. Lisa had a 10+ year journey of being on the care team for her father, who lived with both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. This practice gave her the peace and strength to engage each day with love, compassion, and wisdom. As a former Montessori teacher, she has deep compassion for teachers and all they hold on the journey to promote learning for our youth. Most recently, she has been deeply diving into meditation practices as part of the healing journey for women in all stages of the menopause transition. 

With her playful passion for living an integrated life, she will be a welcoming partner for you as you explore your own experiences. She embodies the spirit of mindfulness through her true presence and graceful acceptance of each moment. Her life's mission is to bring people to healing and belonging. 

Teacher Specialty
Active Duty Military
Chronic Pain