Marlysa Sullivan

Marlysa is a physical therapist and yoga therapist. She is on faculty at Maryland University of Integrative Health in the Integrative Science and Yoga Therapy departments where she teaches anatomy, physiology, yoga perspectives on health and disease and yoga for chronic pain, orthopedic and neurological conditions. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Emory University where she teaches yoga and mindfulness to Physical Therapists in the Doctorate program. She has a private practice in atlanta specializing in orthopedics and chronic pain conditions. She actively participates in research and has been involved in protocol development for a study at Walter Reed on yoga for low back pain. She was a member of the educational standards committee for the International Association of Yoga Therapists in creating standards and continues to be an active member.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Additional Teacher Specialty
Orthopedic and Neurological Conditions