Susan Schneir

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Our busy lives are often hectic and full of pressure, from work, hectic family lives and from the stresses of modern life. This often leads for a profound sense of not quite getting anything right. These stresses use 100% of our efforts without reaping any of the joys and pleasures we know are missing. That is what I felt, when I was stuck as a film-maker, business women, wife and mother, until I learned how to realign her life through yoga and meditation. By happenstance I stumbled into a class of Yin yoga, simply because it was at a convenient time at the gym. I joined a packed class of Yin yogis from 20 to 75 years old, all of whom were happy to stay in challenging postures for 3-5 minutes and breathe. What a bizarre and atypical yoga experience I thought after that first class, and immediately I was hooked. Little by little, the physical sense of relaxation lead to an inner peace I have never felt before. The meditative quality of Yin soon made me yearn for even more introspection. This naturally flowed into my practice of iRest®. After I competed my RYT 200, I went on to take my Level I teacher training and later was certified in Y12SR. I am currently teaching Movement and Meditation (iRest) classes at a women's day shelter, sharing the same M&M at my Y12SR classes (Yoga of 12 Step Recovery) and teaching private and semi private classes focusing on resiliency for burnout and trauma.

Teacher Specialty
Chemical Dependency
Additional Teacher Specialty
RYT 200, Yin Yoga, Y12SR