
Effectiveness of Integrative Restoration (iRest) Yoga Nidra on Mindfulness, Sleep, and Pain in Health Care Workers.

This article examines the effectiveness of Integrative Restoration (iRest) Yoga Nidra meditation on mindfulness, sleep, and pain in health care workers. As health care workers provide emotional support to patients, it is not uncommon for workers to experience both physical and mental exhaustion. One holistic approach to support employees is mindfulness training. iRest Yoga Nidra is a complementary and integrative health therapy that increases mindfulness. A pre-/postinterveniton descriptive survey design was used.

The Effects of Integrative Restoration (iRest®) on Sleep and Perceived Stress in Military Medical Center Healthcare Providers: A Pilot Study for Developing Staff Resilience.

As a result of the increased demand for acute care for Service Members who have sustained injuries in Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom, the level of perceived stress and other associated variables among military healthcare providers is even more pronounced.