Peace and Well-Being

Perception of Well-Being among College Students with a Lived History of Foster Care Placement

Abstract - College students with a lived history of foster care are often described in research in terms of the impacts of their life experiences related to foster care. At the same time, however, they have developed strengths that have helped them to gain entry to college. Taking a more holistic lens to their life experiences may help us shift the narrative around these students from a deficit model to a strengths perspective.

5 Benefits of Meditating in Community and The Perks of Joining In Online

By iRest Team

As Greek poet Archilochos stated, “we don’t rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.” And that’s what group meditation is. It’s training for when we’re meditating alone. It’s an anchor in our lives when things feel overwhelming. And, it deeply resources us with a sense of connection both within ourselves, and to a community.

University Campus Adopts iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation

By iRest Team

Student life can offer ample freedom and a lot of responsibility. Navigating the ground between the two is what self discovery often looks like in our late teens and early twenties. While there’s fun to be had, there’s also the stress of balancing heavy study and lecture schedules, learning how to care for yourself, and finding your way in a new, adult world.

Nurture Your Eco-Resilience Through the Wholeness of Nature

By Jen Miller iRest Team

We like to think of nature as a place for recreation, relaxation, and restoration. A meandering trail for hiking and birdwatching or a roaming river for swimming and fishing. A lush park lawn or a vast beach for a picnic with loved ones. The awe-inspiring vista at a retreat center to foster self-reflection and healing.

The Sanctuary of Welcoming

By Nöle Giulini

What an extraordinary experiment! We welcome perceptions without trying to fix them or change them. We practice welcoming ourselves, and each other, in our brokenness...