janice sack-ory

Janice Sack-Ory is a Certified Nurse-Midwife, Mindfulness (MBSR) teacher, and a Yoga Therapist. She is certified in three yoga therapy modalities, of which iRest is the one that she uses to meet life as it shows up for herself and her clients. She has also completed Level I Somatic Experiencing training. In Janice's words: : "I connect with my best self when I am supporting others in working with the deep wounds of interpersonal trauma, and also have the joy of facilitating a person's return to embracing their innate goodness and wholeness. iRest as a therapeutic modality invites us into relationship with all that is present in our experience of life, in a safe, nonthreatening, and totally welcoming way. It is an honor and privilege to support another in doing this work.

Teacher Specialty
Additional Teacher Specialty
Interpersonal Trauma, Military Sexual Trauma