Jonathan Kabat

Jonathan has studied and practiced meditation since 1993, primarily in the Buddhist traditions of Vajrayana and Vipassanā or Insight Meditation with many eminent Western and Eastern teachers. He has trained directly with Richard Miller Ph.D in iRest and has completed Level I of the iRest training program. He holds a Masters of Counseling Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He has studied Sensorimotor psychotherapy, Eco-therapy with Wilderness Reflections / Terra Soma, in the Professional Ecotherapy Certification Program, Bodynamic Therapy, AEDP Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotheray, and is currently a fellow studying Non-directive Play Therapy at the Child Therapy Institute.

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain
Chemical Dependency
At Risk Youth
High School
Additional Teacher Specialty
Complex Trauma, Eco-therapy, Nature Based Approaches to Wellness