linda ries

certified iRest Yoga Nidra Instructor -

Linda is a RYT 500 and a Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher. She has taught yoga and meditation and practices of awareness for over 25 years. She was astonished to discover (in year 2000) the non-dual practice of iRest Yoga Nidra that offers the tools to truly welcome in all that life offers in a kind and compassionate and loving way. Life is not easy. . .yet iRest encourages one to stay in the experience of life . . . . Awake, Aware, Loving. . . Through practice; we recognize this aspect of our essential true nature that always holds and supports us, no matter what!

Linda is currently offering classes of yoga and meditation for those with cancer and their caregivers, and trauma based stress reduction classes through Images of Hope at The Meadows Yoga Studio in Placerville, Calif.

For class schedules, or private classes email or call 208 290 8789

Teacher Specialty
Chronic Pain