Marissa Knox

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Marissa moved to Austin from California in 2012 to pursue a PhD in Educational Psychology at UT and study self-compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff. She completed Level 1 iRest® Yoga Nidra training in August 2016 with Stephanie Lopez. Marissa teaches both yoga asana and meditation with wholehearted reverence, integrity, and deep-rooted compassion. In her classes Marissa creates a welcoming, accepting, and loving space for you to meet yourself just as you are and open up to life as it is. Her research focus on how self-compassion nurtures healthy body image and well-being informs her teaching as well as her facilitation of workshops with the Embody Love Movement and the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion. Cultivate unconditional self-acceptance, self-compassion, gratitude, and trust in yourself by practicing iRest with Marissa.

Teacher Specialty
Additional Teacher Specialty
Body Image, Self-Compassion, Buddhist Philosophy, Yoga Asana